Future launches a new Stop, Think, Act Campaign

Future Industrial Services Ltd QHSE Team have launched a new group message to promote a business-wide culture for a safer way of working: Stop, Think, Act. This simple message is being adopted across the whole of FIS to develop a culture where good/safe behaviour becomes the norm, with employees automatically stopping and thinking before they undertake tasks, in a safe manner. This is primarily being promoted through a poster campaign where Stop, Think, Act posters are placed in visible areas to remind employees of the message and are accompanied by a relevant safety poster that addresses concerns specific to that site.  As the roll out continues, remote workers and drivers will be reached through the issuing of calendars, the inclusion of the posters as an A4 sheet with RAMS and the printing of the message on near miss reporting booklets.

The campaign has been trialled at the Kirkby Site and has been in place for 2 months. Along with the launch of the new Effective Software, it has caused the number of near misses reported by Treatment and Transfer Employees to increase from an average of 20 per month to around 70.