Complementing our tank cleaning services Future provide a plant and asset decommissioning service across the whole of the UK.
Our vast knowledge and experience of decommissioning is supported by our extensive range of equipment and fleet support, offering flexibility and functionality of service on site.
Our fully trained staff ensure that safety and compliance is at the forefront of cleaning tanks prior to any dismantling, decontamination, removal, disposal or change in product.
Our specialist industrial services team are highly trained in confined space entry, to carry out the schedule of works in an efficient and safe manner. Our trained operatives are equipped with up-to-date equipment, gas testers, BA sets and the full back up of equipment operated by Future Industrial (HPWJ, Jet Vacs, DISAB’s, Tankers and Filterpresses)
Future provide a quality plan to the customer detailing the decontamination approach, which is prepared with the relevant scope, RAMS, site specific health and safety plans and confined space permit. Future’s nominated site supervisor will oversee the whole operation, liaising as necessary with the customer creating a trusting and transparent relationship.
Endorsing the circular economy, Future will source a relevant waste recovery route and if we can’t treat the waste at one of our own waste treatment plants a fully approved third party site will be used.
All works will be fully documented in line with current legislation and a copy of the duty of care paperwork, along with completed permits, consignment notes, gas free certificates and relevant reports will be issued to the client upon completion.