EfW & Renewables


Our Areas of Expertise

Through the growth of the UK energy from waste sector Augean and FIS are uniquely placed to offer nationwide treatment of APCr, fly ash, hazardous IBA and other residues as well as specialist industrial services for the Renewable Energy Sector.

Our specialist industrial service teams have a wealth of experience and expertise, along with a variety of plant and equipment at their disposal. We are constantly innovating and leading the industry in renewable energy plant cleaning services. Our in-house support services are dedicated to prioritising safety and compliance, while also delivering operational excellence.

what we do

EfW cleaning services

energy plant cleaning services

APCr logistics

in-house support services

complete solutions

Why Choose Future Industrial Services?

We are the only UK operator to provide treatment of APCr, fly ash, hazardous IBA and other residues as well as specialist industrial services for the Renewable Energy Sector.

We improve safety, quality and value through innovative services. We are uniquely placed to offer nationwide specialist outage cleaning and support services.

Our highly skilled teams can access hard-to-reach plant areas and clean them thoroughly using vacuum removal, pressure washing, air lancing, or manual techniques. Our teams are trained in confined-space entry to safely access boilers and plant areas

We have the UK’s largest fleet of high air flow vacuumation trucks, providing vital support to customers through availability and supply.

let's work together

FIS offers specialised, customised industrial cleaning services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. As a reliable partner, we are dedicated to developing innovative, sustainable solutions.

Contact us today to discuss a personalised plan that addresses your shutdown and outage requirements.

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